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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3A or A3

Some funny incidents can never stop from happening :) I was on my way from Chennai to Bangalore on 21st November 2008,when one such incident happened.The ticket showed I had reserved a Class 3A berth,coach no B2 and seat no 8.But evrything that was on my mind was 3A as it was written in bold and was geting all the attraction in the ticket.Finally,when the train arrived I somehow found that there was no bogey no 3A.Instead there was a bogey numbered A3 and thanx to my imaginative class I thought the railways might have put the alphabets upside down.Very convincingly i boarded the train just to find out that it was an A class bogey.Instead of re-checking my ticket,I was very pleased that I got A class ticket at the price of 3Rd class one.Finally,sanity prevailed and I just managed to check the charts that were pasted just 3 minutes before train's schedule departure.And Wow..... I couldnt find out my name.Panick strikken ,I rushed toward TT who gave me a rather sarcastic look and told me that I should first read the e-ticket properly before boarding the train....

PS : 3A means 3rd Class AC and A3 means First class AC bogey no 3.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My work ..Day 2

ohhk.....let me begin by saying that it was a boring day altogether......no work not much calls either.....so through out the day I was surfing thru websites and trying 2 locate something good to read.Then suddenly the idea of updating the overall look and feel of my blog came into my mind.Then what , I started surfing net (mostly blogspot.com) and came in with some good deal of information on how to change the overall look n feel of  ur homepage.Moreover I also found Google Adsense quite useful in increasing the hits to ur website.And what else i earned 0.89$ for the day without doing much,,,,now that is some sort of smartness on my part!!!!!For people like me who are new to blogging world should go and register on https://www.google.com/adsense. You will find world of knowledge on how to improve your homepage.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My work ..day 1 begins here

I am planning to write on my new work and new job.This will be the first of many posts on my current experience.From blogging perspective this will be my first day @ work .For people ,just like me,who are new in this filled,will appreciate the fact that trading is not a kid's play.Atleast , I can proudly say that after today.Not because I had a lull day in office but just one call and one bad communication can make you go down in  people's eyes.This is what exactly happened when the person on other side of the phone said something , I heard something else and ended up creating a mess.This is why people lay so much emphasis on good listening skills.But again this mess was justified as I still think I was not the only one to be blamed.But yes, I will definitely learn to stretch my ears more , and more,till I get everything crystal clear.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What a day!!!!

What a day !!!!the most fascinating day of my weekly pass time has come to an end today,although not in the manner as I wanted.Yes,no real prize for guessing.Today , one of the most competetive exams in the world came to an end.Common Admission Test.Today , I can proudly boast of my desire to get into the IIMs.This is the my fourth attempt in CAT.Two things that hav'nt changed in these four years are the goosebumps that I get just before this exam and my performance in Data Interpretation ,popularly called DI .For people who are new to CAT,DI is one of the most dreaded sections in CAT(yes i sometimes love to be judgemental,kind of consoles me sometimes).Just before entering the examination hall ,so many things exploded in my mind, right from what would be my blog content for today to "shall I go to washroom now or after examination ".Exam was over in much a same fashion as it had been for so many years.I was satisfied with Quants and English section,but the dreaded DI haunted me again.I was so much pre-occupied with all these thoughts that i forgot to take back my moneybag.I rushed back to the college again and luckily found the invigilator who handed the money bag back, with a smile .Came home.Tension was just entering its peak and all the answers that I had marked were coming in front of me one by one.I began to analyse my paper,and guess what I. immediately pointed out that almost half the questions I did in DI were wrongly attempted.My dream of getting into IIMs got even further now.Sadly,this one section has been the tormentor of my MBA career.But perhaps with every loss you learn something new and I hope I see something in the coming days which will compensate for this loss.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today is 2nd november

Today is 2nd november.i guess dis was the day when Shahrukh *( i dont think he needs any introduction)cried for the very first time.Please I dont want to continue elaborating Shahrukh's profile in my blog.For info on Sharukh you can visit en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shahrukh_Khan . Rather I m here to write something about my daily experience.After all this is my blog.Well as usual I take this day to be granted as much as I do for any other day in my life.The day begins @ 8am with a deep yawn and 1st thing that comes to my mind is that I have to leave for my Sunday ritual or better say Sunday pass time. Yes you guessed it right.I will leave for the TIME mock series in an hour.But before leaving I do make a point that I shall visit Crossword to finish a book which I started yesterday and could read for only an hour.The book goes by the name The Greatness Guide -Part 2 by Robin Sharma.I was very relieved @ completing the book not only because it was fascinating and a moral booster but it was the shortest time in which I ever completed any book.Yes just over 4 hours...yes I am not that fast a reader after all ....but I would recommend this book to evryone......all those who are about to commit suicide or even contemplating one.Certainly the book is not about different ways of commiting suicide :):):) .On the contrary it is all about some good quotes written aptly to describe how life should be lived and on how we normally live.One of the favourite lines I come across in the book is "The cream always rises to the top.The best will always come to light and the great ones among us can never be held back"It's so true after all.And one thing I would make an effort to do is to wake up as early in the morning and sleep only as much as required.Here comes another quote from Benjamin Franklin in the mentioned book "There will be enough time to sleep when you are dead".So wake up now.With this quote I would like to end my first ever post on my first ever blog.And I would keep writing not as and when I get time but when I find something to share. And this will continue till I become an avid blogger(after which i will write evryday)!!!!!!!Good night and wish you happy awakening to a fresh set of 24 hours tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!.

P.S * Sharukh the actor not the dog. :):):)
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