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Sunday, February 15, 2009

ever wondered.....

Ever wondered how it feels like walking with the mass but never realizing the same....ever wondered how the grains of sand go through your hand without "getting caught".....ever wondered why some songs never seem old .....ever wondered why sometimes you just want to be alone .....ever wondered why sometimes you just dont want to think anything...ever wondered why so many people just love to bitch about you at your back.....ever wondered why people hate mistakes....ever wondered why people love to gasconade.....ever wondered why money cant buy you everything.....ever wondered why opposites attract.......ever wondered why sometimes a strangers becomes such an integral part of you that you never realize that they were ever strangers in the first place....ever wondered why you sometimes expect from people whom you otherwise would have never expected....ever wondered why it just happens that people whom you are thinking about just manage to contact you through somewhere....ever wondered why you find life in almost everything you see around.....ever wondered why you hate.....or you love.....ever wondered....why you sometimes wonder...!!!!!....interesting.....i think wondering just happens....sounds so melancholic..!!!!!but i love this melancholy sometimes...!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What a waste of time!!!!!

Yes literally it was.I wish I could get back those two hours of my life back.It was just because of this day that i missed out a night show of the movie Ghajni,thinking to stay focussed before this day.Well ,I am talking about the most bizarre of all exams: FMS( Faculty of Management Studies).The exam comprised 175 questions with just 120 minutes in hand,10 minutes of which was wasted because the seal of the question paper was broken :( :(.Although this is a management entrance exam, I doubt if the people setting this paper are MBAs in any form.This exam tests only two things: 
1.How well one can use unfair means to top the entrance exam
2.How well one can guess.

Well if you thought that it tests us in making quick decision then I doubt if I can ever be  a good manager.Managers should make correct decision not fast decisions,else there will be no difference between them and damagers

The overall lack of responsibilty on part of invigilator in delaying the answer sheet of mine and may be many like me  points out to the fact that these people need more management level training than we need.

Last but not the least. I think its high time we should file a case against FMS for destroying so many trees in our country.The test booklet comprised 64 worthless pages.Now multiply that by 40000( my rough estimate of number of people appearing for FMS).Thats whopping 2560000
( 2.56 millions) papers wasted.How many trees could have been saved? 
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