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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3A or A3

Some funny incidents can never stop from happening :) I was on my way from Chennai to Bangalore on 21st November 2008,when one such incident happened.The ticket showed I had reserved a Class 3A berth,coach no B2 and seat no 8.But evrything that was on my mind was 3A as it was written in bold and was geting all the attraction in the ticket.Finally,when the train arrived I somehow found that there was no bogey no 3A.Instead there was a bogey numbered A3 and thanx to my imaginative class I thought the railways might have put the alphabets upside down.Very convincingly i boarded the train just to find out that it was an A class bogey.Instead of re-checking my ticket,I was very pleased that I got A class ticket at the price of 3Rd class one.Finally,sanity prevailed and I just managed to check the charts that were pasted just 3 minutes before train's schedule departure.And Wow..... I couldnt find out my name.Panick strikken ,I rushed toward TT who gave me a rather sarcastic look and told me that I should first read the e-ticket properly before boarding the train....

PS : 3A means 3rd Class AC and A3 means First class AC bogey no 3.

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